Monday, October 31, 2011

That's Too Much!

The other day in class, someone asked a good question about our web pages: How much text is too much? The websites that we're designing are dealing with some complex issues. Okay, so maybe the whole plus/minus debate isn't really complex, but in order to make my site a compelling argument, I'm going to have to prove that I've done the research and am a credible source to talk about this issue. And if I have any hope of making enough noise to get the attention of the administration, I'm going to need a lot of proof.

And here's where we encounter our catch 22! To make a reasonable case, you need to have a lot of proof to backup your claim, but more proof means more words, which means you're going to lose your readers. If you think about it, how much of the text do you actually read on a particular web page? Probably not very much. In today's modern day computer driven society, people prefer to skim. Thus, to win over the most people for your argument, you have to really think about the best way to effectively get the most out of a small amount of text while still sounding credible. Woo! That should be easy. But no pressure or anything guys, it's not like we're out to change TCU...

Happy Halloween!

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