Monday, October 31, 2011

Friends OFF

For the first time all semester, I see blogging as taking a break from something I really really don't want to do. Right now Dreamweaver and I aren't friends. We've reached the impasse and I've declared us in 'Friends Off Mode' until tomorrow morning. I just refuse to put up with his nit picky ways and he refuses to cooperate. What else can I do?

I decided for the purpose of the Rough Draft being due tomorrow to get all of my technical elements into place. You know, making sure all the links are connected and pictures are up instead of the actual content of the website. Now I know what you're thinking, "if content is king, why aren't you putting any on your site?" Well dear people who read my bog (if such people out there even exist) I shall tell you why!

To me, gathering research and writing is the easy part. Heck, I didn't get an 'A' in Propaganda Analysis for nothing! While I may not be the best persuasive writer or formulate the best argument, I am much more confident if the writing portion of this assignment than I am with the technical design part. Thus, I want to get everything set down in stone now so that if I have a problem with anything (like I currently am, ahem don't you dare say anything Dreamweaver!) I can fix it tomorrow and have that part of the assignment safely tucked away and have two more days to do a little more research and complete the important part, the WRITING.

As of right now, I'm going to bed. I hope when I wake up tomorrow that Dreamweaver and I can be friends again. I really want this relationship to work. I'd say it's me and not him, but I think we all know I'd be lying...

Until tomorrow!

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