Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mike Rosenthal: Photographer Extraordinaire

Hey gang!

I hope you did your Mini #6, because it's due today! For this project, I chose photographer Mike Rosenthal. For those of you who are unfamiliar with his work, chances are you've already seen some of his work on America's Next Top Model. Recognize the picture on the right as Nicole Fox from cycle 13? Crazy, huh?

The cool thing about Rosenthal is that he before he started work
as a professional photographer, he actually started out in the film business, and as one who is currently studying film and hoping to break into the business after graduation, this guy is right up my alley! He studied cinematography [which for those of y'all who don't know, is basically all about light and camera angles] under Russell Carpenter, or the Director of Photography who worked on Titanic, 21, and Charlie's Angles.

His training in cinematography has no doubt helped Rosenthal to master light, but what I really love about Rosenthal more than anything is his ability to compose a photo that both highlights and extenuates the background as well as it's subject. Photography is all about capturing the moment, but Rosenthal is able to turn the moment into more than just a snippet in time; he tells a story.

To check out more of Rosenthal's work, you can check out his website or if you're more interested in getting to know the man behind all the beautiful photographs, you can read his blog.

Happy [get excited that there are only 3 more classes left] Tuesday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

VAs and Thanksgiving Break

Happy Almost Turkey Day All!

It's hard to believe it, but we only have three more classes left of the semester! Shut the front door, WHATT? I know. It seems even more crazy since we haven't had class in about a week, but hey, who's complaining?
I hope you all turned in your
storyboards and that they turned out well. I had difficulty trying to come up with something to form a visual argument for in an academic setting. But after procrastination on Facebook, I had some inspiration from my profile picture!

As someone who studied abroad I highly recommend to anyone who's even entertaining the idea that they should definitely do it! And isn't studying abroad part of an academic setting? I've just thought about what my visual argument is going to be centered around, Studying Abroad!

The plan is to have a girl walking around campus but we see elements from around the world (like important monuments) incorporated into the photos (mostly in reflections and such) so that it gives off the illusion that TCU and the rest of the world are linked. Huh? Huh?

Yeah that's all I have. I still have a week from when we get back to perfect it and turn it in. Although when it says "image drafts" does that mean we have to have started editing our photos? Because what ever an image draft is, it's due on Tuesday... O.o

Gobble Gobble Gobble!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Regroup and Refresh


As a group, please join me in a collective sigh of relief that the Unit II project is turned in and officially off our minds for a while. While it may be deemed a learning curve success by some, I still prefer to think of it as "The Great Headache of 2011". But for those of you who'd like to revisit my page on the Plus/Minus Debate to weigh in or educate yourself a little bit more on what the problems and solutions are, you can read all about it

But now that we've had a little time away from our pages and let ourselves "refresh" (huh? huh? get it?!) let's "regroup" (it's was all preplanned!) and start thinking about Unit III: the visual argument. From what I understood the assignment to be in class, we're basically designing an ad campaign that spans over 4 pictures. Hmmm. An Ad for an academic setting. Oh no, excuse me, a "visual argument" for an academic setting. That's going to be a tough one to come up with. But I'm confident after being shown some examples I'll be able to put my little brain to work and come up with something remarkable. I mean, I always do, don't I?

Happy Wednesday (which happens to be my favorite day of the week) all!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Ok... truce.

Dreamweaver and I got over our little squabble. I still think it was being uncooperative for no reason, but let's try and put it all behind us, shall we? The good new is that I have figured out how to attach a downloadable document (check!), I have all my links to both the two tier and third tier pages (check!), I figured out how to link the top image/picture back to the home page (check!) and got my images to show up on the remote (check!).

Now comes the part that counts, and that means putting all the research into understandable, navigable and clearly marked and organized web pages without being too redundant, wordy, or boring. Piece o'cake, right? But I digress, thanks to all who gave me feedback today. It was a good feeling to know my image works well. Huh? Huh?

And the best part of course, is that I made it myself. Hello photoshop, I'm never going to escape you, am I? Well gang, best of luck completing your projects. If it makes you feel better, I will most likely be screaming at my computer tomorrow night till we turn it in.

Happy Writing!

Website Woes

So I thought this morning that Dreamweaver would be a little more willing to work with me. I was wrong. Very very wrong. It seems that for some unknown reason, pictures that I've put on my site don't want to show up when I sync the local to the remote server. I can't seem to figure out which exact property it is that I need to change in the css to fix the alignment of my footer and I can't seem to figure out how to get the css to change everything on all of my pages even though technically, it's already supposed to do that.

I guess what I'm saying here is that the more time I spend on this project, the more frustrated I become. When I started this class, I knew in the back of my mind that at some point, we were going to be working with websites, and I'm not going to lie, I've been absolutely dreading it from day one. I hate working websites. Absolutely hate all the designing and linking and creating, it's just not for me. But I'm trying. You may be winning right now Dreamweaver but the fact that I despise you makes me want to beat you all the more. So I'm going to go do some re-reading. I'm going to try and figure out how exactly to get to my third tier page from my second, how to attach that document to the site and how to get my pictures to show up on the site online. But mostly, I'm going to win.

Those were my cheesy words of the day. Happy Tuesday all; let's just keep winning.