Wednesday, November 23, 2011

VAs and Thanksgiving Break

Happy Almost Turkey Day All!

It's hard to believe it, but we only have three more classes left of the semester! Shut the front door, WHATT? I know. It seems even more crazy since we haven't had class in about a week, but hey, who's complaining?
I hope you all turned in your
storyboards and that they turned out well. I had difficulty trying to come up with something to form a visual argument for in an academic setting. But after procrastination on Facebook, I had some inspiration from my profile picture!

As someone who studied abroad I highly recommend to anyone who's even entertaining the idea that they should definitely do it! And isn't studying abroad part of an academic setting? I've just thought about what my visual argument is going to be centered around, Studying Abroad!

The plan is to have a girl walking around campus but we see elements from around the world (like important monuments) incorporated into the photos (mostly in reflections and such) so that it gives off the illusion that TCU and the rest of the world are linked. Huh? Huh?

Yeah that's all I have. I still have a week from when we get back to perfect it and turn it in. Although when it says "image drafts" does that mean we have to have started editing our photos? Because what ever an image draft is, it's due on Tuesday... O.o

Gobble Gobble Gobble!

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