Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Ok... truce.

Dreamweaver and I got over our little squabble. I still think it was being uncooperative for no reason, but let's try and put it all behind us, shall we? The good new is that I have figured out how to attach a downloadable document (check!), I have all my links to both the two tier and third tier pages (check!), I figured out how to link the top image/picture back to the home page (check!) and got my images to show up on the remote (check!).

Now comes the part that counts, and that means putting all the research into understandable, navigable and clearly marked and organized web pages without being too redundant, wordy, or boring. Piece o'cake, right? But I digress, thanks to all who gave me feedback today. It was a good feeling to know my image works well. Huh? Huh?

And the best part of course, is that I made it myself. Hello photoshop, I'm never going to escape you, am I? Well gang, best of luck completing your projects. If it makes you feel better, I will most likely be screaming at my computer tomorrow night till we turn it in.

Happy Writing!

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