Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Getting Money, Making Grades

Alright gang, it’s time to talk about a little something that’s been on my mind ever since this project was assigned. Care to take a guess as to what I’m referring to? I’ll give you a hint; it has to do with money and grades. That’s right, I’m talking about the “Whoever gets the most donations to their donation center will receive an automatic ‘A’ for this project” clause.

While I understand that the point of that is to provoke a little competition among the group, I find it an ethical dilemma. Theoretically, if I play by these rules, my poster can look pretty terrible, and my paper can be poorly written, but if I get mommy and daddy to donate a large sum of money for my project, then I automatically get an ‘A’, no questions asked. Any one else see a problem with this?

I’m going to be completely honest with you and say, the chances of me getting the largest sum of monetary donations are very slim. I’ve known from the beginning that the fate of my grade relies in the work that I put into it, and you know what, there’s a good chance that I could get an ‘A’ on this project without raising any money! I’m sure that all of you are putting legitimate work into this project and if you get an ‘A’, you've earned it. That being said, I find the clause moot, unethical and problematic that the contingency of our grade somewhat depends on how much money we earn.

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