Monday, September 12, 2011

Operation: Fighting World Hunger

Alright Multimedia crew, we finally have our NGO: Operation USA!
Woo-hoo, feel the excitement in the air!! Now I don’t know about any of y’all, but I know very little about this organization so I’ve decided to dedicate this blog post to finding out more information about OpUSA (as seen abbreviated around the web). I’m sure some of this info will come in handy for the Unit I project.

The organization got its start in 1979 when the Vietnamese Boat People were fleeting their war-torn country and Richard Walden (now the current CEO) and Llewellyn Werner decided to donate their time and funds to helping the refuges. While it’s true that OpUSA does airlift food to countries fighting starvation, they also offer many other types of aid including medical supplies, other relief supplies, and they even help with reconstruction of certain areas and clef pallet surgeries for children. So far, they’ve helped to give aid to over 99 countries!

Since they are an NGO, they receive no government aid and all of the money they receive relies on private donations. This means that OpUSA and more importantly, the refuges struggling in the Horn of Africa truly do need our contributions! With their home base located in Los Angeles, OpUSA has had several celebrity affiliations (including Frank Sinatra) and corporate donations, but the future of an organization like this depends on the generosity of the American people! I hope this project will be a success so that we can make a difference in some of these people’s lives and that OpUSA continues to give aid to those around the world who truly need it.

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