Monday, September 19, 2011

Sometimes, You Need to Take a Step Back

As we draw closer and closer to the Unit I project being due (also known as Thursday, what??) I find myself starting to doubt my original design. Well not exactly doubt per say, but really starting to question the placement of my photos. I guess that’s a good thing because it means I’m paying attention and really trying to interact with my audience, but I also happen to think that sometimes, your gut reaction is the best. You know that little innate truthful voice inside of you that knows when something feels right and will work, but when you ask it why, it hasn’t the faintest idea? Well 9 times out of 10, that voice is right. And you know how if you over think things they always turn out worse? Yeah, that’s how I feel about this project. STOP OVER THINKING BRAIN.

On the plus side though, I did really like that fact that mini project #2 was all about working with the same sort of techniques that we’re going to need to use to ‘adjust’ our photos for the Unit I project. It was a really big foot in the door/realization that I needed to start working on my photos. Adding filters and changing the ‘look’ of a photo can be monumental to it’s appearance and can change how we feel about it. Take the example we did with color the other day in class. Change one small property and BOOM, you change the whole meaning of the photo.

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